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Lisboa, Portugal


1. Introduction

Code of Ethics

Splendid Portugal, in carrying out any activity, beyond strict legal and regulatory compliance, is committed to minimising its negative impacts and maximising its positive impacts on the planet as a whole, namely but not strictly with regard to the environment, the well-being of its employees, partners, local communities and wildlife. By acting in this way, we hope to grow and contribute to the growth around us in an ethical and sustainable manner and inspire others to act in a similar way, privileging partners who share this vision.


Based on our code of ethics, this Sustainability Policy arises as a result of the commitment made, seeking to establish some guidelines for best practices in the management of tourism-related activities.


This policy applies to all the company's activity, from management to the operational level. We expect our collaborators, suppliers and partners to fulfil the objectives of this policy as effectively as possible.
All employees are responsible for implementing the company's sustainability policy.

2. Sustainability management & legal compliance

Sustainability commitment

Splendid Portugal's management is fully committed to the company's sustainability performance and supports the company's mission statement and sustainability policy.
We will monitor, evaluate and communicate our sustainability progress through the Travelife platform, committing to communicate our sustainability performance every two years through the Travelife report.

Sustainability management, legal compliance & zero-tolerance policy

Splendid Portugal is committed to the continuous improvement of sustainability practices, including the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of our sustainability policy, with staff and resources dedicated to achieving our sustainability objectives.

Splendid Portugal follows all local, regional, national and international regulations relating to human resources, human rights, children's rights, land rights, environmental management, wildlife and land use.

We follow a zero-tolerance policy for corruption, bribery, forced labour, child exploitation, sexual exploitation, any kind of discrimination (namely of race, gender or religion) or any other human rights violation.

3. Internal management: social policy & human rights


We fully recognise that our collaborators are our greatest asset. We therefore maintain a clear human resources policy to ensure:
•    Legal compliance in all regards
•    An employee health and safety policy that goes beyond national legal standards, namely by providing a health insurance scheme and a safe, healthy and welcoming workplace
•    Fair contractual conditions including fair compensation, aiming to stay above the market average
•    Training opportunities including trainings on topics of sustainability, sexual harassment and exploitation in the workplace and in the industry
•    Participation in the sustainability planning activities
•    Inclusion and equal opportunity for all employees, particularly with regard to compensation, promotion, distribution of benefits, and professional development opportunities

4. Internal management: environment

Environmental management of office operations

We are committed to keeping the direct footprint of our business operations as minimal as possible and actively follow environmentally-sound principles. We have the following measures in place:
•    Follow all local and national regulations concerning environmental law
•    Measure, monitor, and evaluate use of all commodities and products purchased
•    Procure office supply. locally, seasonally, fair trade, in bulk, with limited packaging, sustainability certified whenever possible
•    We have completely eliminated the printing of brochures and booklets by adopting an "internet only" policy
•    Print only when absolutely necessary, and when printing, always print double-sided on grayscale. Paper must always be FSC or equivalent certified, with preference for the highest percentage postconsumer materials
•    All equipment and lighting are energy-efficient and turned off/unplugged/on sleep mode when not in use
•    Waste is separated into the following categories: packaging (metal and plastic), glass, paper, organic waste, and is disposed of properly by the municipality
•    We have implemented measures to eliminate non-reusable water bottles and disposable cups in the office
•    Implement waste reduction methods in the use of ink cartridges for printing and copying
•    Noise, light, and air pollution is minimised
•    Although our facilities are rented, the facilities are recently built and highly thermally efficient besides the management has a whole series of environmental measures in place, of which we can highlight the following:
       o    Energy saving measures are in place in all common areas
       o    Water saving measures are in place in all common areas and restrooms

Carbon management of office operations

Splendid Portugal is committed to reducing our carbon footprint and endeavours to reduce the amount we travel as much as possible by:
•    Reduce the amount we travel as much as possible
•    Reduce transport-related impacts through teleworking, e-meetings, work-from-home policies or other means
•    Installing energy efficient equipment and appliances where possible
•    Use non-hazardous, non-eutrophic and biodegradable cleaning materials certified with an eco-label, if locally available
•    Provide regular guidance, training and/or information to all members of staff on their roles and responsibilities with regard to internal environmental practices

Land use

The offices that Splendid Portugal rents are newly built and thermally efficient and are located in an industrial zone surrounded by excellent access roads. As they are owned by the municipality, they are presumed to comply with all local land use laws, respect local cultural and natural resources in our business operations and favour sustainable architecture and design.

5. General suppliers’ policy

Splendid Portugal is committed to sourcing its products and services responsibly, avoiding harmful impacts on society, culture and nature as much as possible. We expect the same level of engagement and commitment from our suppliers.

Splendid Portugal privileges partners that share the company’s commitment towards sustainability. This means that we prefer partners that have a written sustainability statement as an integral part of their business policy and/or a clear sustainability policy in place.

Splendid Portugal privileges suppliers in the destinations that are locally owned or managed, use local and seasonal products and services and benefit the local community by hiring locally and equitably and by providing fair working conditions.

Whenever possible, Splendid Portugal prefers to select partner companies that comply with tourism specific, internationally recognized (GSTC-accredited) certifications, or other sustainability certifications like B Corp or ISO.

Splendid Portugal expects its suppliers to adhere to our Code of Ethics, on the basis of which responsible business practices can be established, including but not limited to:
•    Complying with all local, regional, national and international regulations
•    Respecting all human rights including labour rights, children’s rights, and women’s rights Committing to fair employment conditions
•    Following anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-extortion, and anti-discrimination policies
•    Protecting children from (sexual) exploitation through tourism
•    Protecting the environment and natural resources
•    Acting in the best interest of local communities

Following our zero-tolerance policy already referred to in chapter 2, Splendid Portugal will immediately terminate any relationship with suppliers who violate that principles, and shall duly report to the competent authorities.

Splendid Portugal raises awareness amongst its suppliers to adopt sound social and environmental practices, and to minimise their carbon footprint.

Splendid Portugal maintains open lines of communication with our suppliers and partners and encourage feedback from our stakeholders at any time and on any topic, particularly sustainability.

6. Transport

When selecting transport for guests and business-related travel, Splendid Portugal commits to choosing the most environmentally friendly options available for travelling to, from, and within the destination – taking into consideration distance, price, route, and comfort.

Splendid Portugal has implemented clear guidelines for reducing GHG emissions from transport and selecting the most environmentally friendly transport options, including the following measures:
•    Preferring ground transport over air transport for short-haul travel destinations
•    Avoiding in-destination flights whenever possible
•    Recommending the use of railway transportation between the main cities if available
•    Using appropriate vehicle sizes for group sizes and purchasing most efficient vehicles available
•    Opting for transportation providers with an electric car fleet when available

7. Accommodations

Splendid Portugal privileges smaller accommodations and boutique hotels runed or owned by local people. In some destinations we use local hotel operators associated with international hotel chain that also have a defined sustainability policy.

Splendid Portugal favours the selection of accommodations that respect and protect land use, as well as respectfully highlight elements of local architecture, customs and traditions.

8. Activities & Excursions

All excursions and activities run by or on behalf of Splendid Portugal respect local customs, traditions, cultural integrity, and natural resources.

Splendid Portugal commits to not offering any excursions that harm humans, wildlife, environment, or natural resources such as water and energy.

Splendid Portugal gives preference to excursions and activities that benefit local communities, respect animal welfare and support environmental protection.

Splendid Portugal has clear guidelines in place for environmentally and culturally sensitive excursions offered by or on behalf of the company. These guidelines are actively communicated to guests as well as distributed and implemented by excursion providers and guides.

9. Tour leaders, local representatives, and guides

Splendid Portugal commits to hiring qualified local guides, porters, drivers or other local staff, paying them living wages and providing safe and fair working conditions. We expect the same from our suppliers that are hiring local staff on behalf of Splendid Portugal.

Splendid Portugal understands that guides are the intermediaries between the guests and the socio-cultural and environmental context of the destination, conveying the appropriate behaviour to them. Therefore, we make sure that all guides hired by or leading tours on behalf of Splendid Portugal are trained regularly and knowledgeable in the sustainability topics of the destination.

10. Destinations

Sustainable destinations

Splendid Portugal prefers to work in destinations that have committed to sustainability as an integral part of community and destination development.

Splendid Portugal aims to send visitors to secondary or lesser-known tourist areas to avoid overtourism.

Splendid Portugal operates exclusively in Portugal and Spain, countries with no questionable human rights record.

Contribution to local communities and economic network

Splendid Portugal commits to positive contribution to the destinations in which we operate, by:
•    Sourcing locally and responsibly, and supporting local and traditional arts and culture
•    Encouraging guests to shop responsibly
•    Splendid Portugal operates exclusively in Portugal and Spain, countries with a strict legal framework and supervision in terms of protecting species and resources, so there are no relevant issues regarding illegal souvenirs or those with a negative environmental impact

Environmental stewardship in destinations

Splendid Portugal commits to environmental stewardship in the destinations in which we operate by:
•    Ensuring natural resources remain intact
•    Educating guests about the principles of responsible travel and responsible visitor behaviour

11. Customer communication and protection


Our customer protection is our priority. Therefore, we maintain a clear privacy policy to ensure:
•    Legal compliance in all regards
•    Customers and their data are protected
•    Customers know how their information is being used

Marketing and communication

Splendid Portugal strives to be truthful in all situations and at all times. We offer products and services that do what we claim in our communications.

We honour our explicit and implicit commitments and promises.

We are anti-greenwashing and stand behind our sustainability claims 100%.

We endeavour to be inclusive and representative in our marketing, and to always take into account cultural, religious, and ethnic sensitivities.

Sustainability communication

We provide our clients with a code of conduct to comply with in order to minimise or eliminate negative impacts and maximise the positive impacts of their activity during their trip.

Customer experience

Splendid Portugal aims for all customer experiences to be positive, and follows strict health and safety, marketing, and excursion policies to ensure customer satisfaction. These policies cover specific topics of (but not limited to):
•    Health and safety
•    Emergency procedures
•    Privacy
•    Transport
•    Shopping
•    Satisfaction and complaints

Splendid Portugal maintains open lines of communication with our customers and encourages feedback at any time and on any topic, particularly sustainability.




12. Monitoring and Evaluation


The monitoring and evaluation of the company’s sustainability implementation is analysed at a quarterly meeting with effect from April 2025. Managers from all departments attend the meetings (Marketing, Sales, Operations, Accounting and Procedures).




13. External Reporting


The company will report the key sustainability results to the public every two years, starting in October 2026. Communication will be placed at the website.


14. Contact

Our Sustainability Team is responsible for implementing this Policy and communicating the progress of this implementation to customers, employees, suppliers and partners.

Please contact if you have any questions or comments about this Policy.

15. Date, Updates and Revisions

Effective date

This policy is effective from 9th October 2024.



This policy was updated on 31st January 2025.

Revision history

This policy will be revised by 9th October 2025.

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